Großbritannien wird „keine Asylsuchenden aus Irland zurücknehmen, bis Frankreich Kanalmigranten zurücknimmt“

Von topotaul


  1. Conducting diplomacy with our two closest neighbours and geopolitical allies like a fucking 7 year old arguing over a toy.

  2. Vondonklewink on

    But basically every redditor on this sub told me the Rwanda deal would never be an effective deterrent. How could they possibly be wrong? They all seemed so certain, rabidly so.

  3. TokyoBaguette on

    This is a great dead cat that will last until the GE in which the Tories will be soundly defeated.

  4. Gemini_2261 on

    It’s hard to control your borders when your border extends for 300 miles across someone else’s country.

  5. FelisCantabrigiensis on

    There’s an Irish news article about it here: [](

    >At the time, through a freedom of information request, I [journalist Barry Whyte] found out that 25% of international protection applicants arrived here through our ports and airports. So how did the other 75% arrive here? Well, it didn’t take a genius to work out that these migrants were not coming to Ireland by teleportation. The only logical explanation was that they were coming via the North.

  6. France, and the wider EU didn’t really do much to halt the flow of illegal crossings to the UK when we were a member, much less after brexit. I think Ireland is about to find out what it’s like to plead with them for change only to have it fall of deaf ears because it’s inconvenient for them.

  7. Seems perfectly reasonable.

    The EU can’t have it both ways. It’s amusing that the Irish are as outraged as we are.

  8. Whiskey31November on

    The irony of the UK saying “nope, not ours” after trying to get France, for the past couple of decades, to agree the same thing that Ireland is now asking of the UK.

    “Exemplo Ducemos”

  9. preposterouspoophole on

    So the UK’s answer to their problem is to make it someone else’s problem and then just go lolololol?

  10. The UK needs to do what Belarus did with Poland a few years ago except the migrants won’t face barbed wire and water cannons.

  11. Whiteismyfavourite on

    I might start a tiktok sharing how great life is in Ireland for migrants hopefully we can get these numbers up

  12. OkTear9244 on

    I don’t think this is relevant given they came from France in the first place

  13. Blacksmith_Heart on

    If I faced the prospect of annihilation in a General Election, I would also gin up a confected international dispute with needless cruelty that will fill the column inches in the hope people will forget how disastrous the last fourteen years of my party’s government have been.

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