„So heiß, dass man nicht atmen kann“: Extreme Hitze trifft die Philippinen



  1. -HealingNoises- on

    So… when and where do y’all think the first catastrophic wet bulb temperature event is going to happen? The point where it’s so hot and humid your sweat physically can’t cool you down.

    Scary to think about and makes you realise the privilege you have just by your location on the planet.

  2. no_frills_yo on

    Extreme weather events will happen gradually and will be interspersed with normal weather events that the governments and majority populace will continue to deny its existence.

    Then we’ll see entire towns to bone dry or massively flooded. We’ll blame the city, it’s people, Gods, <insert boogeyman> but ourselves.

    After a few such cities start experiencing these, the rich would have already started making plans to move to their bunkers / shelter. The rest of them will start treating other humans as enemies and start fighting.

  3. NerdyBrando on

    Lived in the Philippines for close to a year in the early 2000’s. I come from the mountains, so not used to that level of heat and humidity. I wanted to die every day. Can’t imagine what it’s like with this heatwave.

  4. Propagation931 on

    Soon to come to the rest of the world because Climate Change is still not getting acted on in a significant way. At least Covid prepared us for this with the whole Work From Home setup thing

  5. choco_mallows on

    This is not super updated. Manila reached 53°C heat index yesterday and it’s expected to be even worse today and tomorrow. Classes are all strictly at home. If you commute to the office or have work outside or in hot factories then it’s fuck all for you.

  6. Can confirm. Nowadays I sweat like crazy even while just brushing my teeth. Doesn’t matter if it’s late at night, the heat remains.

  7. pinkpugita on

    I’m privileged to have a wooden ceiling, air conditioner, and electric fan in my home – and yet my sleep quality is still bad the past weeks. Even during the weekends, you can’t do much but lie down in the afternoon.

    Imagine millions of Filipinos don’t have my comforts. A lot of houses only have a corrugated roof and without wooden insulation.

  8. Flush_Man444 on

    I mean, their biggest neighbor is still building coal powerplants

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