Trump bekommt, was er will – Der Oberste Gerichtshof scheint seine Ansichten zur Macht des Präsidenten zu unterstützen.


  1. orcinyadders on

    What are the next steps with SCOTUS on this and what’s the timeline?

  2. RickKassidy on

    So, Biden can have Trump assassinated and declare himself President for life. Then appoint Harris President and assassinate the a Supreme Court! Interesting. And if anyone disagrees, it’s an Everglades reeducation camp for them.

  3. fattymcassface on

    Reforming the court has to be the No. 1 priority if we can get Joe across the finish line.

  4. How many of these doomsday articles are there going to be between now and May 9th?

  5. atomsmasher66 on

    If he gets *any* amount of immunity and becomes president again that will embolden him to take things to a catastrophic level. Stop the maniac, vote Blue.

  6. Ambitious-Joke-4695 on

    I can’t wait for Dark Brandon to fuck up the GOP with his new Supreme-Court-given powers

  7. wanderingpeddlar on

    Has no one told those idiots what happens when the jury box (aka the court system) fails the people?

    Never in my life did I think I would see SCOTUS abandon the constitution so blatantly,

  8. Jaded-Lawfulness-835 on

    Blows my mind that anyone thinks the Supreme Court will make a decision that removes checks against the president a single moment before Trump is sworn in

  9. guitars-n-cars on

    If he gets his way…that can be an opportunity for the democrats. We just have to play their game

  10. notcaffeinefree on

    Well no, they didn’t.

    Trump’s argument is that the President has absolute immunity. Only Alito and Thomas *maybe* indicated support for that.

    All the others really only seemed to acknowledge there’s maybe a lesser form of immunity.

    And the headline doesn’t really match what the article actually talks about:

    >he most desires in the case: further delays that virtually preclude the chance that he will face a jury in his election-subversion case before the November election.

    That part, yes, the Court seemed likely to do.

  11. ErusTenebre on

    Okay so … am I trippin’ right now or are all the news sites publishing this same article… and the same comment on the top of every one of them here is “Biden can have X assassinated then. Boom.”

    But I thought the (at least for now) consensus was more that the Supreme Court will likely just say, “Yeah maybe there should be some lines drawn – figure it out lower courts” and kick it back down to them?

    Like they aren’t going to say Trump can do whatever he wants because blanket immunity but they’re basically just helping with the stall to drag out his legal woes?

    I feel like the articles are putting the cart before the horse here and just causing drama before it starts (again).

    Also, people can’t legitimately think Biden will have anyone assassinated. If you’re going to be jaded be 100% about it, if the worst case scenario happens and they grant presidential immunity – Biden won’t use or need it but conservative presidents will.

  12. AccomplishedBrain309 on

    No theyre just delaying it long enough to make him innocent. He still needs to win an election to prevail.

  13. lostharbor on

    Dark Brandon needs to leap on this then and restore power. Eliminate all the idiots who voted for this, from congress to SC and then put in laws to never let this happen again.

  14. jazzhandler on

    This shitshow has gone on for so long that maybe it was covered last season and I’ve already forgotten. If so, forgive me. But what I can’t currently wrap my head around is, if the President has immunity, then why did Ford pardon Nixon?

  15. TrolleyCar on

    Really, is there nobody that will wait and see what the actual opinion will be before writing a takedown?

  16. Itchy-News5199 on

    SCOTUS. Well technically they work for us.

    Frankly I do not believe they reflect the will of the majority of people.

    Some need to be fired, others reprimanded and several need severe term limits.

  17. theSuperFuzz1 on

    Well good, now we don’t “have” to have an election this year. Biden can just serve another term and appoint whoever he wants just like Caesar.

  18. In 2020, there was one thing separating Donald Trump from Adolf Hitler. The courts. Hitler had consolidated the courts beholden to the Nazi party. For the most part, the courts stood up to Trump’s antics.

    Not anymore. If the Supreme Court gives into Donald Trump, all hope of saving our democracy is lost. And the countdown to Kristallnacht is on.

    You know, when 2008 began, they said Bear Stearns was as solid as they come, huh.

  19. The Supreme Court has shown time and time again they are about giving themselves power.

    I’m extremely sceptical that they would change course and give the President more power.

  20. SpeedoCheeto on

    Biden should waste no time and pack the court through any means necessary, including the illegal which would put the court in a “funny” spot

  21. PrettySir118 on

    I can’t wait for the Dems to win the house back, and then they create laws that prevent any douche bag from ever running for president if they have been convicted and indicted or part of a plot to over throw the government is prevented from running in any political position. And then the Dems are going to pack the shit out of the courts.

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