Fanfiction-Autoren scharen Fandoms gegen KOSA, den Gesetzentwurf, der vorgibt, Kinder im Internet zu schützen.


  1. EmptySpaceForAHeart on

    If you didn’t read the article, a bill called KOSA aims to extort people into sharing their ID and Social Security to use the web and allows states to censor whatever they consider “inappropriate.” It’s a censorship campaign and poses a real threat to our privacy, safety, and freedom of speech. Call any Senator or Representatives you can to stand against it and/or go here. Don’t trust Blumenthal either, he’s behind nearly every internet censorship bill and wholeheartedly knows what others will do with it.

    He has the power to pass it through the Senate very soon and the House is already trying to construct their own version of the Bill, last week the House held a hearing for ALL internet bills. Please help stand against KOSA. []( [Extra Link](

  2. Question- could a service exist which anonymously federates user age? I.e. it checks your ID or whatever, then it provides some kind of token not tied to your identity that proves your age and is sent to other sites as needed.

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