Kreml-Streitbericht: Putin hat Nawalnys Tod nicht angeordnet


  1. Silver-Chipmunk7744 on

    Even if for a second we entertain the idea that it wasn’t a direct order, with the kind of conditions he was detained in, that was essentially a death sentence anyways.

  2. A_Rented_Mule on

    “We didn’t say he didn’t order it. But he didn’t order it.” (He ordered it.)

  3. WonderRemarkable2776 on

    This is great. “Bullshit! We absolutely killed him with orders directly from Vladmir!” Was this the play all along? Talk shit of how Putler had nothing to do with the assassination, and have ruzzia admit it???? Can’t make this shit up

  4. Fritzkreig on

    This article is confusing, so what I am getting is the WSJ said he did not order it, and the Kremlin is like “Nuh Uh! He totally did order it!”

    What a weird world we live in.

  5. Guilty-Definition-1 on

    So the kremlin is saying Putin was involved in Navalnys death?

  6. swizzcheez on

    Quick, call Tom Cruise.

    Putin’s one vodka away from “You can’t handle the truth!”

  7. my20cworth on

    They’ve done this too themselves. If for a millisecond we have doubts he directly ordered the murder, because they lie so fucking much and bath in state propoganda and misinformation, even if it was true, they’ll never be believed or taken seriously. Bottom line, nothing happens without Putins approval. No one would dare do something unilaterally.

  8. New-Bumblebee1756 on

    Who care order or not ? I mean you put guy in prison on arctic circle, put him in shiso, not you really, just your minions, and then he die, hhmm, let’s think who caused his death. And actually I’m Ukrainian and don’t like Alexey, but huilo killed him, maybe not even by order, but no difference at all.

  9. pnwloveyoutalltrees on

    So they are proud of murder? Sounds like Russians. Give me a minute to go donate to Ukraine so they can remove some of these people from the planet.

  10. The Daily Beast is not hard hitting journalism, almost all of the comments so far seem to be just running from the title and not from what little is actually presented in the article.

  11. HollowDanO on

    Is this the classic Looney Tunes bit where they dupe the other side into agreeing by repeating a word and then switching it up?

  12. jtpredator on

    And I did not want the double Big Mac combo super sized with 5 apple pies and 3 sundaes, no sir, not me.

  13. bonyponyride on

    Is there supposed to be a comma between “report” and “putin?”

  14. Interesting-End6344 on

    What I wonder after reading this is if they’re so dense to get it wrong like that, or if they did so deliberately to needle at Putin’s fragile ego by making such a claim, prompting his to confirm once and for all what we’ve all already suspected.

    This one’s actually a tough call.

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