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  1. Chemical_Signal2753 on

    “Holding politicians to account … is an essential part of democracy” says news organization that refuses to hold Liberal governments accountable.

  2. GracefulShutdown on

    There’s no benefit for politicians answering the questions, and the electorate isn’t punishing any of them for not answering (in many cases, they’re rewarding them even more)…. so why would they bother?

  3. InsufficientlyClever on

    >It’s a “bad situation” that is worsening, said Kimber. “Not only because of the way politicians operate, but because of the lack of journalism.”

    I agree, but not for the reasons in the article (lack of reporters) but because of lack of value the public gets out of those reporters, eventually leading to less reporters.

    That lack of value is that they’re failing to hold the government to account by being satisfied with repetitive soundbites and non-answers. Politicians have found they can simply “run out the clock” during press conferences by repeating slogans. Reporters are there to ask the hard questions the public wants to ask but can’t (lack of time, access, etc). If they’re not going to ask hard questions and demand straight answers, and instead settle for soundbites and non-answers, whats the point of having reporters in the first place? If we wanted soundbites we’d just subscribe to newsletters, feeds, etc of our political parties of choice and moved on.

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