McConnell sagt, er stehe zu seiner früheren Aussage, dass Ex-Präsidenten „nicht immun“ vor Strafverfolgung seien


  1. Boring_Investment597 on

    Yet refused to hear evidence in the senate when Trump was impeached. Fuck you, McConnell.

  2. Congenitaloveralls on

    McConnells goose-stepping is a little out of sync these days, the party must be worried about it

  3. TemporalColdWarrior on

    He just happily blocked Obama’s appointments and helped create the monsters who are going to say he is.

  4. Powerful_Will9488 on

    Ah, politics, the gift that keeps on giving! McConnell standing firm on ex-presidents not being above the law, huh?

  5. bakeacake45 on

    BS he has a proven history of lying why would anyone of sound mind believe him

  6. Hot-Pick-3981 on

    *for now. The man is a spineless bag of hypocrisy and greed for power devoid of any integrity or fidelity to democracy. Insert reference to his opinion of when a SCOTUS justice can be appointed relative to the election cycle.

  7. LazarusRun on

    I still can’t get my mind around the argument for immunity. The President is also a citizen. Presidents haven’t needed frivolous lawsuit protection any more than all of us. Do we really want to entertain the notion of criminal Presidents? The answer is no, you gaslighting pricks.

  8. But made sure it didn’t happen in the straightforward manner that was set up. He gets zero credit.

  9. Shenanigans99 on

    Also stands by the plots his party orchestrated to ensure the Supreme Court would be stacked with partisan hacks who don’t give a shit about justice or precedent.

  10. Question; did Trump file US income tax in 2018?
    If Yes, why?
    If he did not require by rule of law, he would’ve never filed

  11. precise1234 on

    Yeah, and we all stand by past comments that you, McConnell, are a complete and self-serving hypocrite from hell. His ‘legacy’ is fucked due to his willingness to support a would-be dictator.

  12. AkuraPiety on

    If Hell is real, I pity the flames that have to lick this man’s soul for all eternity.

  13. M1llennialManifesto on

    Sure would be nice if he’d let us appoint a Supreme Court Justice who felt the same way.

    McConnell gets to say he supports prosecution because he knows the current bench won’t listen to him; McConnell can say whatever he wants, he might even believe it, unfortunately for the United States it’s way too late in the game for him to pull a McCain.

    You set this bed on fire, Mitch, now lay with us.

  14. Jolly-Resort462 on

    But he didn’t stand by his too close to election to appoint a Supreme Court Justice statement, so we can’t rely on his statements.

  15. Pathfinder6227 on

    I hate McConnell and most of this hangs on his sorry-assed head, but people need to understand that even if Trump was “impeached and convicted” by the Senate, his defense would have moved the goal posts and found some other caveat as to why he should have total immunity and the Joke Assed SCOTUS would lap it up.

    I am just going to laugh if they find Presidents have broad immunity and Biden arrests five of them for whatever reason he deems fit.

    Also. McConnell deserves no credit for having a common sense position on this. He is just savvy to know if the President has more power than a King, his head is pretty high up on the chopping block which makes him smarter than a SCOTUS justice.

  16. stillestwaters on

    Sure. Can’t wait to see how the history books will remember this Mitch – such a strong stance.

  17. It doesn’t matter he rushed through a SC pick at the 11th hour and denied Obama’s legitimate nominee with bullshit reasoning. He enabled Trump. He is the reason we are in this mess.

  18. benmillstein on

    Strange. I can’t remember him standing by any of his previous statements

  19. LTLHAH2020 on

    McConnell needs to have a MASSIVE stroke and spend the rest of his life drooling out of the side of his mouth, unable to enjoy life, unable to do anything other than think about his awful legacy.

  20. nickelundertone on

    “-but they can still run for office and get elected, and no, there are no penalties for a conviction”

  21. Thanks to you, 3 of those SC appointees are going to make it happen. Do you have anything to say to that Moscow Mitch?

  22. He’s on record saying he’ll still vote for trump anyway so fuck this guy

  23. theeniebean on

    Good thing the Court he orchestrated the stacking of will surely agree. Democracy is saved!

  24. Keeper_of_Fenrir on

    I hope Moscow Mitch suffers a long long retirement with severe Alzheimer’s. 

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