Rachel Weisz von „The Mummy“ enthüllt den „lustigsten Satz“, den sie je zu sagen hatte



  1. Rustofcarcosa on

    Early in the film, Eevee attempts to return a library book to a high shelf while standing on a ladder. However, she stumbles, knocking the bookcases down like a stack of Dominos.

    The books,” she whispers, surveying the carnage around her.Recounting the scene, Weisz told Newsweek: “I got given the funniest line I probably ever had to say—’The books,’ after all these bookshelves crashed into each other.”

  2. continuesearch on

    This is odd? “The books” doesn’t comical at all, but in the scene as filmed she doesn’t say that at all, she says “oops”, which is a little funny but pretty subtle.

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