Schluss mit 12345: Geräte mit schwachen Passwörtern sollen in Großbritannien verboten werden


  1. Daedelous2k on

    I can guarantee that people who hate long passwords are going to fucking *lothe* this, mostly the older generation.

  2. Good. More than once I’ve heard someone complain about their phone being broken into and then finding out the passcode was 000000.

  3. Everyone should have a password manager. Mine is like $25-30 a year and I’ve never worried about passwords since.

  4. Is this just for the default password it ships with? Because that one is usually a matter of public record. It doesn’t matter how strong the password is if you can look it up in the manual.

  5. I wonder if the UK still maintains enough power to actually command this. I’ll be keeping an eye on wether the manufacturers implement this or just say “fuck it, we just don’t deliver to the UK”. Since Brexit and recovering from Covid the UK is still in the shitter economically speaking.

    Personally I think this is a stupid idea. It’s common knowledge to change passwords. Unless it is technically impossible I don’t think it is such a big ask to put the responsibility on the average joe to change the passwords.

  6. CocodaMonkey on

    I don’t see the point. This is just talking about devices default passwords. No matter what the default password is going to have to be listed in documentation. It doesn’t matter if it’s 12345, blank or something crazy hard to remember.

    If they want to get serious about this they could required devices to change the default password on initial setup. Automatically setting a secure password that you have to document publicly is worthless.

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