Die 45. Separate Artilleriebrigade der Streitkräfte der Ukraine tötet in wenigen Minuten mehr als 30 Wagner-Söldner. Soledar (Januar 2023)

Von Militargeschichte


  1. random_poster90028 on

    Good reminder of why we should supply Ukraine with more artillery shell

  2. spankeyfish on

    The spread from that airburst shell looks perfect for trenches, provided you can fire it from a gun that’s at a right angle to the trench line.


    Never ceases to amaze me just how reckless Russia is with their own soldiers. They are ready to sacrifice everything for small gains. It’s even more amazing that this inhuman strategy works without their own people rioting. Fascism at its finest (or worst).

  4. Few things are faster and more effective than an artillery team with the help of a drone. May Ukraine get more ammunition

  5. Old_Fart52 on

    Came for the money and the marauding, weren’t told so much about the crawling through the dirt in agonising pain part. Oops.

  6. Ismokeditalleveryday on

    Trying to move in an open field in daylight, what could go wrong?

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