Kristi Noem bereut die Tötung ihres Welpen nicht! Werden die Leute tatsächlich für Trump und seine Schergen stimmen? Sind sie dumm?


  1. I’m seeing a ton of comments on her X account from republicans saying she went too far. We don’t support puppy murder is the consensus

  2. Any-Variation4081 on

    Stupid but also hateful, judgemental, selfish, and hypocritical.

  3. CountrySax on

    Cucking her husband with Corey and killing pups in public. Sounds like typical Republican BS.

  4. mistressusa on

    “Never sorry” is the hallmark of maga. They “double down” when they are wrong or got caught doing something nasty/illegal. It shows how “macho” they are.

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