Ein russischer Soldat wurde durch eine Granate getötet, sehr undokumentiert.

Von EricStarfield


  1. Pretty much sums up the whole 3-day special operation in a nutshell, doesn’t it?

  2. fossilnews on

    Depending on your appetite for gore you’re either gonna hate or thank this watermark.

  3. Rogue-Doctor on

    Poor fucker

    In a foreign land far away from any one who loves him or knows him blown to peices in a ditch

  4. willisonXD on

    Nice water mark. I think you can inprove it by adding a circle around it, an arrow, also making it bigger, yellow and pulsating like a Resident Evil’s boss’s eye

  5. Several_Attitude_203 on

    Definitely a suicide. He dropped the grenade down between his body armor and chest. Musta been wounded pretty bad to resort to that.

  6. if i had a penny for everytime a russian soldiers died because of a grenade getting stuck under his plate carrier/vest, i would have two pennies. which is not much but it’s weird that it happened twice

  7. Gizzard_83 on

    But why did he stuff it under his plate??? Damn man, these dudes are just being wasted for no reason. 😑

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