Kristi Noem leidet unter schlechten Umfrageergebnissen und den Folgen der Geschichte über die Tötung eines Welpen


  1. PopeHonkersXII on

    Fuck that deranged psycho. Who digs a shallow grave for a puppy and then throws it in before shooting it in the head? This is what you get when you vote MAGA 

  2. It’s difficult for me to hate MAGA world more, but she found a way.

    “Where’s Cricket?” needs to be shouted anytime she’s near.

  3. I’m waiting for Mitt Romney to weigh in: “*see, the dog on the roof of the car story wasn’t so bad, amirite?*”

  4. LockheedMartinLuther on

    But if Trump says it’s okay with him, republican voters will dutifully fall in line without question.

  5. SideburnsOfDoom on

    She’s signalling what she’d do as Trump’s VP.

    Who would she gun down in a gravel pit?

  6. teamgreenzx9r on

    Cruelty carries MAGA. It’s not simply trying to return the country to a place that never existed. It’s about vanquishing foes along the way. Evening the score. To me, these headlines are aimed at the rest of us. No amount of headlines make me believe there isn’t a fringe that isn’t fed by this kind of abject cruelty and see’s it as a positive in their leaders. “This ain’t no Pence that chooses the Constitution over Trump; this is a stone cold righteous soldier for Trump.”

  7. One-Butterscotch-786 on

    Love for dogs in a universal thing. Most dogs in the U.S. are treated like children or essential family members. Her story was tone deaf and self inflicted mishap of epic proportions.

  8. bakeacake45 on

    Republicans can kill pregnant women and no one does a dang thing to stop them
    Republicans kill dogs and the place goes crazy

  9. LiquidPuzzle on

    This is the kind of story the GOP desperately shouldn’t want because it loud enough for Independents who aren’t paying attention to politics but both party needs to win for the general.

  10. NovelRelationship830 on

    Coming soon from a Trump Rally : *But Kristi Noem. Doesn’t she look great? And the dogs, ok? People are saying that the dog was bad, and I don’t have a dog but she knew what to do. Sleepy Joe had a dog that bit people they say. So dogs. I don’t know about them. But Kristi is doing that with dogs that bite.  She’s pretty tough. Everyone says not as tough as me – they say sir, you don’t have any dog, but Kristi is ok because she knows how to take care of them if they bite or did other things that were not so good. If I had a dog it would be the best dog ever but I don’t. I don’t. I don’t have a dog, but if I did I would kill it much, much better than her. But look at her though. Isn’t she gorgeous*?

  11. Exciting-Protection2 on

    I hope her career crashes and burns and never recovers. Fuck her.

  12. JubalHarshaw23 on

    Poor polling is meaningless for Republicans. Only Democrats have to worry about losing voters because they are not liked.

  13. fluffyflugel on

    I wonder what else she’s done that she won’t admit to. It’s baffling she thought this disclosure would reflect well on her.

  14. iuytrefdgh436yujhe2 on

    Why is every mainstream Republican Politician insane and evil?

  15. This fucking psycho killed a puppy and a baby goat because the baby goat smelled bad.

  16. TrolleyCar on

    This is such a bizarre story to tell. My only guess is that she attempted to put it out with her own spin before it came out otherwise, but it blew up in her face.

  17. Don’t know what’s worse, the fact that she did it, or the fact that she puts it in a book, making the assumption her followers won’t give a shit. Both are scary.

  18. So she can’t even properly train a dog and she thinks she should be second in line to run the country?

    Also, instead of accepting that she is terrible at training dogs , she blames the dog and murders it in cold blood. Sorry, we don’t need that level of dissonance and narcissism here. We’ve had enough already with Drowsy Don.

  19. Imagine being a witness to this.

    What a fucking psycho. Someone that insane doesn’t need power, they need to be locked up.

  20. bucko_fazoo on

    First thing I thought of was America’s reaction to Romney’s story about strapping his dog in a carrier to the top of his car. And how NOBODY defended it. I’d say she’s cooked, but this isn’t 2012.

  21. Madmandocv1 on

    If you shoot a dog in the head just to watch it die, there is an 80% chance that you are a psychopath. If you don’t realize that you should keep that act a secret, it’s 100%.

  22. victorvictor1 on

    In the party of Kyle Rittenhouse, where crossing state lines to hunt humans is considered heroic, she thought killing puppies was supposed to help her image


    Kristi Noem, Kristi Noem
    If she doesn’t scare you, please check your dome
    To see her is to take a sudden chill

    Kristi, Kristi Noem
    She’s like a spider waiting in your home
    Look out for Kristi Noem

    At first, you think Kristi is the devil
    But after time has worn away the shock
    You come to realize you’ve seen her kind of eyes
    Watching you from underneath a rock

    This vampire bat, this inhuman beast
    She ought to be locked up and never released
    The world was such a wholesome place until
    Krist, Kristi Noem

  24. KittyMeow1969 on

    The moniker, Dog Killer needs to follow her everywhere she goes from now till infinity: Letters, email, text, phone calls, billboards, signs, bumper stickers, flags you name it. It needs to haunt her every waking move.

  25. NaughtyNutter on

    Noem thinks she’s “owning the libs” by putting forth a story that she bragged about being politically incorrect. She thinks she’s showing herself to be the opposite of woke by telling the uncensored truth. The HUGE irony here is she is proving that the right can be woke too! I mean who TF says “I hated that dog” for being a playful dog and then kills it?

  26. Joshman1231 on

    The “country life” this woman is referring to gives country women and men a terrible label.

    Hunters absolutely shoot and kill animals. They process them for food. Whether you agree with it or not is another conversation. Hunters 9/10 use *every part* of that animal.

    What’s not said here is how many hunters give thanks to the animal they shot for food. Some have a parting ritual that is very sacred to them. It’s a humbling experience to be seen as it changes your perspective of what this is. They honor that animal in its entirety.

    They also preserve their environment more so than any pro green environment person pushing a political statement can. Keeping it clean and manicured. Driving through southern Illinois you’ll see what I’m talking about.

    Everything I typed comes from the humility and perspective of these people participating in this way of life.

    This representative couldn’t be farther out of touch with what country ideals are. This person is doing real damage to your names out in the hills and I would be fucking raging mad this person is trying to claim the coat tails of your true nature, wrapped in some political statement doing what needs to be done.

    Fuck this woman and her fake idea of what being from the country is about.

  27. wesap12345 on

    Funny how her name isn’t popping up at all on the conservative sub – you would have thought a potential VP candidate releasing a book would have generated something on there..

    But no, they bury their heads and ignore it.

  28. Objective_Ebb6898 on

    Pro Lifer Kills A Puppy and is so proud of it she writes a book. Effin lunatics. This story hurt to be honest, my dad shot my dog when I was 6. Needless to say my dad and I had issues.

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