„Zugunglück, gesundheitlich gesehen“ Harvey Weinstein ins Krankenhaus in Manhattan eingeliefert



  1. Good. Is it too soon to start speculating who gets the rights to _Dogma_ once death finally releases the film from his dirty, greedy, greasy paws?

  2. Wishpicker on

    **Bullshit he’s doing this to try to stay out of jail in LA.** He’s due to Report there to be jailed (he was ordered to serve there after completing his New York imprisonment) and he’s trying to avoid it by playing hurt and old.

  3. Who gives a shit. Let this asshole die in obscurity and make no note of it.

  4. When all you have time for these days is acting. You should be in contention for a Oscar but only qualify for a participation Trophy.

  5. Wow weird before his conviction he was traveling all over the world and hosting late night Oscar parties but all of sudden he’s in incredible poor health.

  6. throwawaysonly1 on

    He doesn’t believe in hell. He is about to find out for himself.

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