Von Existing-Target-6485


  1. Important_Farmer924 on

    Despite how anyone feels about her, her family should be off limits.

  2. Callme-Sal on

    Pathetic carry on. She has two young kids. How do these knuckle-draggers justify threatening small children?

  3. That’s fucking grim.

    Wish they would just pick whatever right wing party they want, go door to door canvassing so they can get an idea of what the vast majority of people think of them.

    They might get the picture after a couple of hours of being told Fuck Off to their face.

  4. This is the kind of crap that comes from being too heavily influenced by the US culture wars.

    The kind of people who do this are not the kind of people who value democracy.

  5. Iricliphan on

    Disagree with the politics. Be angry if you feel that way. But it’s absolutely vile that we have these segments in our population that somehow think this is an okay thing to do. What horrible people.

    I think there’s many politicians that are clueless and have no idea what they’re doing, or I fundamentally disagree with their policies. But they’re still people. And I’m sure a lot of them feel like they actually want to help people and in the grand scheme of things they generally do. But this is truly horrific.

  6. ImpovingTaylorist on

    Concidering a lot of the rhetoric you see about her and other policians, it’s no suprise that there is one lunitic in the crowd that thinks this is not only ok but makes them a hero.

    You dont like the polotics? Fine, but play the ball, not the man. Everytine, someone calls a politician a slur or implies violence they normalize it just a little more, and there is always someone braindead enough to act on it.

    Literally, the top post is someone calling her a ‘geebag’…

  7. nom_puppet on

    She’ll look like even more inept as a Minister for Justice if they don’t catch this person.

    And if I was a betting man, I’d say they won’t.

  8. High_Flyer87 on

    No time for Helen or the current inept Govts politics but this crosses the line. Absolute scumbags.

    The fucking eejits doing it probably think they are hardmen scaring the bejaysus out of a young family.

    The gobshites haven’t two brain cells to rub together don’t even realise that this type of thing does more harm than good to their agenda.

    Absolute losers. Ireland won’t tolerate this nonsense.

  9. Eviladhesive on

    This is why really, really smart people don’t bother going into politics

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