Andrii Voitko, Rufzeichen Pikachu, wurde bei der Verteidigung der Ukraine getötet. Während seines Trauerzuges knien Menschen, darunter auch Kinder, auf der Straße.

Von Lysychka-


  1. Andrii was born on November 17, 1989, in the village of Shnyriv, Lviv region. He studied at the Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies and in civilian life worked in fisheries. He was also very actively involved in sports, specifically in martial arts, and held the title of Candidate for Master of Sport. 

    He volunteered in the early days of the full-scale invasion. He participated in assaults on hot fronts and was assigned missions to venture alone behind enemy lines.

    Pikachu was killed on April 13, 2024, from shrapnel wounds as a result of shelling the position near the settlement of Spirne in Donetsk region. He is survived by his wife, daughter, father, and brother.



  2. Local-Associate-9135 on

    Rest in peace brother!

    Слава Україні! героям слава!

  3. DrOrpheus3 on

    A toast to our hero! May his spirit watch the flow of the Dnripo river, eternal.

  4. Sweaty_Mushroom5830 on

    Спочивай з миром, брате, Вальгалла чекає ,Ми ведемо битву за вас і стежимо за тим, щоб ворог заплатив

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