1. ilrosewood on

    I’d rather he hadn’t as too many people took it seriously. But it always felt like a joke to me. But then again I’m pretty stupid.

  2. PinCushionPete314 on

    I always took as it was part of his blowhard persona. He always plays such a great buffoon.

  3. Nonsense. He just did not like pushback for his trolling climate ignorance. 

  4. RiggzBoson on

    “I haven’t been a complete arsehole my entire professional career – It was all an act!”

    Punching your producer was part of your method acting too, I suppose…

  5. “No, you see, I was only pretending to be a moron. I’m really not, I promise.” Okay, Jeremy. Whatever you say.

  6. We THOUGHT he was playing a character. Then it turned out, no, he’ really is an ass. Then he realized people were sick of his shit, so he’s trying to walk it back.

    Nope. All done with him. No one needs to hear his smug, ill-informed opinions.

    Someone pretending to be an utter twat is amusing. People just BEING so is way less fun.

  7. MasterK999 on

    To me that is worse. So he is saying he believed in Global Climate Change the whole time but instead of taking any positive action or even neutral, he instead decided to act against it FOR A LAUGH?!?

    What a huge bell end.

  8. Revolutionary-Swan77 on

    He’s a prick but I’ll still watch him make an ass of himself trying to farm.

  9. galacticwonderer on

    So he was in on the joke the entire time legitimately misleading people about the life and death of their planet all for a laugh?

    Yeah that’s way better than him thinking it was fake to begin with. Wow

  10. He’s about as funny as the storm that put a tree in my bedroom and half the back of my house two weeks ago because now we have these storms that are tearing things up like never before. Fuck him and his two faced nonsense. Every one of these deniers can fall off a cliff like the world they are creating.

  11. Gregzilla311 on

    “Oh, it’s just a joke” never works. It just shows you consider it to be a valid joke.

  12. The man is a talented wank. Take his word for it or don’t, it doesn’t really matter.

  13. SubjectWorry7196 on

    Y’all really mad about a guy that has absolutely nothing to do with climate change, not giving a shit about climate change.

  14. john_the_quain on

    Mr. Clarskon has discovered he can make more money being slightly less of an asshole. And on that bombshell…

  15. King_Vanos_ on

    Sorry but I love this dude. Cracks me up especially how he sets off the super sensitive among us. Go ahead and downvote

  16. New_girl2022 on

    Fuck him seriously. Fuck all the deniers. We could have stopped it but it’s totally too late now.

  17. Major_Party_6855 on

    Fine, whatever. At least he’s farming and learning about sustainable practices, I learned a whole bunch watching the show.

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