Die Gehirnfunktion älterer Generationen verbessert sich, und die Kluft zwischen alten und jungen gesunden Erwachsenen verringert sich. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Kognition junger Erwachsener im Laufe der Zeit relativ flach blieb


1 Comment

  1. giuliomagnifico on

    >The evidence points overall to improving and higher cognitive performance among older adults with eighty three of the measures used (68%) across the studies showing better performance in later cohorts of older adults than earlier cohorts, only six (5%) showed the reverse.
    >In contrast, findings show that that young adults’ cognition remained relatively flat across time – closing the gap between generations.
    >The findings were linked to ongoing improvements in education, healthcare, nutrition and access to more mentally stimulating, digital environments, which might have previously applied mainly to younger adults

    Paper: [The older population is more cognitively able than in the past and age-related deficits in cognition are diminishing over time – ScienceDirect](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027322972400008X)

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