In Stanley Kubricks Film „Eyes Wide Shut“ ging es um Eliten, die sich an okkulten rituellen Aktivitäten beteiligen. Der Film wurde in einem echten Rothschild-Herrenhaus gedreht. Kubrick starb im März 1999, im selben Monat, in dem „The Matrix“ herauskam, bevor es in die Kinos kam. Warner Bros. schnitt dann 25 Minuten heraus und veröffentlichte es im September 1999

Von verma2470


  1. “Eyes Wide Shut” deleted 24 minutes revealed. Kubrick’s daughter, Vivian, stated that her father was under enormous pressure from the elite not to complete his films.

  2. AdImmediate5761 on

    Fucking hate how this is just used as “content” now

    It was not a Rothschild mansion people just make shit up because it sounds good

    🤡 world

  3. Ok_Succotash8172 on

    I mean……Kubrick has a lot of ties to the government/elite. There’s a whole 2001 a space oddessy conspiracy with him as well

  4. Lutherkiss3 on

    Kubrick was cryptic in his film making
    He was muzzled by the controllers
    He still sent the truth thru his films

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