1. irishrugby2015 on

    So anyone who has gotten a medical prescription from outside of Ireland has a get out of jail card if they get caught

  2. Crazy that people are being dragged to court for small amounts of cannabis even crazier when people with legitimate prescriptions are being dragged to court.

    >Mr Rudd told Judge Liddy that he suffers from bad anxiety and depression and this is a favoured form of treatment ‘so I don’t have to take tablets’.

    The difference between the UK system and Irish system is stark. You can only use it as a last resort here while this guy can choose to use it instead of other prescription drugs (he wouldn’t even be eligible for prescription cannabis under the MCAP in Ireland given his conditions)

  3. Surely this opens up a can of worms in regards to medical cannabis here.

    Seems people from other jurisdictions won’t be convicted for using medical cannabis while in Ireland, even though they obviously shouldn’t even be in the courts in the first place.

    If that’s the case, how can government stand over not having medical cannabis widely available in Ireland.

  4. What a waste of time and money spent on this case. This could have been handled at the lowest level.

  5. Subterraniate on

    Blimey, given that it states that cannabis may be prescribed for chemo nausea, severe epilepsy, or MS, obtaining it for anxiety is quite something. (Driving while high, even contact high, is surely still not on though) The judge must have been feeling mellow that day!

  6. radiogramm on

    Is there a particular reason why we are so extreme on cannabis? It just seems bizarre at this point and increasingly very out of line with other jurisdictions.

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