Performance-Aktivismus ist zu einer Kunst geworden. Sie alle reden von „Inklusion“, ABER sie leben alle in sehr NICHT vielfältigen Vierteln

Von ValuableTailor2755


  1. stevendaedelus on

    Diversity is more about class/$$ than about race. Always has been. New to earth huh?

  2. Should I be concerned that you know the neighborhoods where all of these people live?

  3. Repomanlive on

    Remember all the yte saviors during the BLM riots?

    Where are they now?

    Lmfao at those 🤡

  4. saturninesweet on

    I think this is the thing people miss. These people don’t believe what they say, they just make money/gain power from it. The true believers are the rank and file.

  5. Sayonarababyy on

    White men are ranked statistically as the most desired men. Both by the heterosexual and homosexual community. This definitely factors in.

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