Eine Pronomentabelle für die Mittelschule. Ich kann es den Leuten nicht verübeln, wenn sie glauben, dass die LGBT-Grooming-Verschwörung unseren Kindern aufgedrängt wird

Von ValuableTailor2755


  1. IdaVonItzenplitz on

    What should we expect from schools? They are prisons for the mind!

    They turn the children into uniform robots. First for the war, then for the economy and now for LGBTQIA+ …

  2. RaspberryWonderful16 on

    Is there any other explanation for the huge trans agenda other than population control?

    Once these kids are loaded up with various hormones and had their dicks cut off there’s a big drop in potential parents right there.

    Although, I suppose big pharma is pocketing a substantial amount on the back of all these gender blending drugs

  3. Interesting-Gate9813 on

    I’m going to say it. Downvote if you wish. Fuck your pronouns!

  4. obsolete_filmmaker on

    There is nothing wrong with this. Its not forcing any specific gender on kids. Its really more about communication than anything. Im more concerned that some full grown adults are afraid of this.

  5. Lazy-Ad-7532 on

    There is a difference between teaching kids to respect all types of people, and grooming. You are not immune to propaganda.

  6. Would you believe that the real groomers are mostly old white conservative men?

  7. Persun_McPersonson on

    Imagine getting mad at respectful behavior and calling it grooming.

  8. Own_Teacher3433 on

    We have severe crisis in the education system where many students are failing in reading comprehension and math.. but yeah lets focus more on gender, pronouns, drag show for kids and all these non sense. Glad that Trans acceptance is at all time low and I bet it will go further down in the coming years

  9. etebitan17 on

    I think this is the old divide and conquer.. Man vs woman, black vs white, and so on.. There’s always a divide needed, it keeps us distracted from the real inequality, that’s us vs the 1%

  10. Acceptable_Quiet_767 on

    I hate this “assume everyone is potentially gay/trans” mindset that is plaguing the world today. It has so many unintended consequences.

    When I was a kid I had to have surgery to correct a deformity with my chest, and it left me with two scars that look extremely similar to the scars left from breast removal surgery. Those scars along with a young looking face have led to many many people assuming I’m trans, even though I’m just a normal guy.

    As a kid I was afraid to take off my shirt because of kids mocking my deformity. Now as an adult I’m afraid to take off my shirt because I don’t want to deal with the awkward “aww are you FtM tRaNs?” creeps approaching me and my family. It took so long for me to get over this deformity- the anxiety of repulsing people with my mere appearance, then the fear of an impending brutal invasive surgery as a young child, the agonizing recovery, the debilitating back pain while being an adolescent, and then the rehab and wearing a brace to make “final adjustments” to my rib cage, mentally accepting that I’ll never look “right”, lifting for years and years to build enough muscle to bury my broken chest, etc. 

    Only for people to look at you and assume, “they must be trans.” 

    I’ve reached the conclusion that pools just aren’t meant for me in this life.

  11. MaxwellHillbilly on

    How exhausting it must be for the teachers who have no agenda.

  12. Myzticstyles on

    Fuck pronouns. If you were born with a dick you are a guy. Fuck your feelings. It’s not my fault you’re living in some delusion.

  13. ThemoneyisaTattoo on

    This is standard for Canadian middle schools sorry you have no heart 🤷‍♀️

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