Laut Forschern haben sich weltweit die Masernfälle innerhalb eines Jahres fast verdoppelt


  1. calbert1735 on

    “The number of measles cases around the world nearly doubled from 2022 to 2023, researchers say, presenting a challenge to efforts to achieve and maintain elimination status in many countries.

    There were 171,153 cases globally in 2022, according to Dr. Patrick O’Connor of the World Health Organization, who presented the research Saturday at the ESCMID Global Congress in Barcelona. Provisional data shows 321,582 cases for 2023 and more than 94,000 so far in 2024, although the number is probably much higher.

    Almost half of this year’s cases have been in WHO’s European Region, with the highest incidence in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Yemen.

    The US has had 128 measles cases reported in 20 jurisdictions this year, as of Friday, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is the highest number since 2019.

    Measles was declared eliminated in the US in 2000, “meaning there is no measles spreading within the country and new cases are only found when someone contracts measles abroad and returns,” the CDC says. However, the rapid rise in cases this year poses a threat to that disease elimination status, the agency says.

    Measles is a highly contagious airborne disease. It can cause serious health consequences or death, especially for young and unvaccinated children.

    General symptoms may include fever, cough, runny nose, watery eyes and a rash of red spots. About 1 in 5 unvaccinated people in the US who get measles will be hospitalized, according to the CDC. About 1 in every 20 children with measles will develop pneumonia, and others may develop a dangerous swelling in the brain called encephalitis. Up to 3 of every 1,000 children who become infected with measles may die from respiratory and neurologic complications.

    It can also lead to “immune amnesia,” a condition that raises people’s risk of other infections for weeks to years.

    O’Connor said Saturday that measles vaccination has prevented an estimated 57 million deaths between 2000 and 2022.

    In the US, the CDC that children get the first dose of the vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) between 12 and 15 months of age. Kids get a second shot between 4 and 6 years of age.

    The vaccine is considered highly effective. One dose is 93% effective against measles, and two doses are 97% effective. Vaccinated people can still get sick, but it doesn’t happen often, and typically, it’s a milder infection.

    The US has set a target vaccination rate of 95%, but coverage among kindergarteners has dipped below that in recent years. In the 2022-23 school year, just 93.1% of kindergarteners in the US had completed their MMR vaccine series, leaving about 250,000 at risk.

    Measles is “a crisis among many crises,” O’Connor said in his presentation Saturday, with about 45% of outbreaks in conflict-affected and fragile countries.

    “Over the last 20 years, there has been significant progress toward achieving measles and rubella elimination,” he said in a news release. “In order to solidify and maintain those gains, we need to ensure high, uniform and equitable routine immunization coverage; and robust outreach and rapid outbreak response.””

  2. InternalOcelot2855 on

    I know I got vaccinated when I was much younger. With cases going up and the antivax movement has me wondering about getting a booster of sorts.

  3. Republicans actively making the world worse

    Yeah there’s also liberal antivaxers but at least we don’t elect those jackasses

  4. macross1984 on

    Measles will continue to be an issue so long as anti-vaccination movement continue to lie and spread false info about effectiveness and safety of vaccine.

  5. TiredOfDebates on

    Just, get your kid vaccinated for measles. God damn.

    Stop making this a partisan thing.

  6. ProjectPorygon on

    I mean that’s sorta expected. Using up all the goodwill vaccinations have managed to accrue up to this point during covid and flip flopping on health guidelines and such basically guaranteed there would be a uptick. Being clear from the get go should be a #1 priority for future events.

  7. Am I just living in some weird dystopia smack in the middle of the San Francisco Bay Area as far as vaccination goes? My HMO refused to give me another MMR until they tested my blood for absence of antibodies. I can’t believe there is much savings from doing that. On the other hand, they also had a severe shortage of basic vaccinations such as for shingles, to where I had to get on a waiting list and wait years for it, only to get a random call to come get it during the pandemic.

    I personally think lots of adults who have previously been vaccinated [edited] could stand to get another MMR.

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