Die irische Regierung will ein Notstandsgesetz vorlegen, um Asylsuchende nach Großbritannien zurückzuschicken


Von insomnimax_99


  1. Reasonable_Blood6959 on

    I’d like to say I’m firmly against the UKs Rwanda plan. But if the EU allow this to happen without issue, then surely they can’t have any problem with the UK picking up boats and dropping them straight back to France.

  2. Why wouldn’t they just get the ferry back the next day if they really want to be in the republic of ireland though

  3. TokyoBaguette on

    This is hilarious:

    Brexiteers: “France is a safe country innit, immigrants should stay there”

    Irish: “If you feel this way then, as the UK is a safe country, I have news for you”

  4. StrangeDeal8252 on

    Fucking lmao.

    No Ireland, that’s not how it works. Besides, I thought you guys were so noble and not racist like those mean old Brits, shouldn’t you be happy about all these new doctors and engineers?

    It’s actually legitimately hard to describe how funny this is given the shit Ireland has been giving out over the past couple of years.

  5. Playful-Computer814 on

    Its going to get to a point where people start shooting these boats.

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