Arizona Dem sagt, der Staat sei blauer, „nicht weil Arizona unbedingt ein blauer Staat ist“, sondern aus Abneigung gegen den „Extremismus“ der Republikaner


  1. OpenImagination9 on

    Will take the win based on revulsion towards bigoted maga idiots any day of the week.

  2. fighting_fit_dream on

    We’re gonna need every single voter and volunteer to win the election in November. We all need to get involved ASAP to affect this election.

    Join r/votedem. They have loads of information on how to help defeat the batshit crazy Republicans at all levels. Get involved with phonebanking, textbanking, donate, knock on doors, register to vote, get your friends to register. We need every single vote and volunteer come November

  3. Flux_State on

    Republicans used to be mid-right, now they’re far right and voters are choosing between getting more extreme or choosing Democrats on the Near Right.

  4. I mean it stands to reason right? Eventually people have to realize republicans are solely focused on grievance politics and nothing else

  5. dormidormit on

    Arizona has transitioned from a rural rancher and cowboy economy to an industrial tech economy around aerospace manufacturing and mining, which hires smart people who have college degrees and skilled unionized labor. Both of these groups tend to be well-to-do homeowners that absolutely do not want the government basing it’s power on violence and not rule of law. All people want is stable, sane, sober government – if Arizona Republicans won’t provide that, they will die the same death the California GOP also did. Then there is the state’s growing hispanic population, which will grow much larger due to abortion being banned. Zero attempts are made to solicit them and the party wants to revoke their citizenship for armed, violent eviction.

    AZ will go a moderate blue in the same way New Mexico has, and Texas eventually too. Not necessarily due to the strength of liberal arguments, but due to a lack of competent management within the GOP.

  6. JubalHarshaw23 on

    And that is a problem, because the Media’s Biden bashing is going to double every week between now and November.

  7. Cool-Presentation538 on

    But also Phoenix has been growing rapidly because people from all over the country are moving there. That’s why there are so many cities that are blue pockets in red states

  8. A lot of snowbirds have moved from the northeast and Chicago areas to Arizona instead of Florida in the past 10 years. Arizona will continue getting bluer as Florida circles the toilet and sinks into the ocean.

  9. sixtus_clegane119 on

    Should have used the Arizona dem Priya’s picture instead of sinema

  10. ItsTheOtherGuys on

    I’ll be honest, Sinema did no help for anyone not Dem this last term

    Kelly kept clean and voted based on party

    Dems pushed to repeal to old school ban while Reps dragged ass

    Crazy Lake can’t stop and keeps pushing conspiracies and no one wants to interview based on her rants on the press (despite just working in it)

    It’s not surprising this state is pushing blue

  11. It’s very hard. I might be wrong about things. I am biased. I am antiracist.

    But I won’t intentionally lie to students.

    I encourage students to fact check everything I say.

    I encourage students to speak more than me.

    I am an atheist. I am a Democrat. That’s not for me to share with them even though I had teachers tell me they were Christians and Republicans all the time from 5th grade to 12th grade when I was growing up. The teacher I respected the most taught me logic, analysis, argumentation, and media literacy. He taught me to examine what I thought I knew and that I might be wrong. He taught me about cognitive dissonance. He let us figure out his bias, but he never came out and said it. I graduated high school in 2005.

    I want our students to critically think for themselves and be life-long learners. I tell them I don’t care who they vote for, but that citizens in a democratic republic should vote.

  12. fuvgyjnccgh on

    I’m blue because I too don’t have a viable alternative.

    Not the biggest fan of dem policies as I get older but the opposition appears to be insane.

  13. Squirrel009 on

    I think Republicans really fucked up at Jan 6. They had the perfect opportunity to say no, that was too far. They could play up patriotism and the importance of democracy, scapegoat the living shit out of trump, then prop up a new younger figure head to lead the charge for the red wave they never got in 2022. I think we’d almost certainly be looking at a republican presidency with a strong hold of the house if they did.

  14. SFShinigami on

    When states go blue, they rarely look back because its a damn breaking.

    When states go red, they rarely go back because its a damn being built to prevent it.

  15. KellyAnn3106 on

    I used to be fairly centered with a slight tilt to the right. After the religious nutbags and later, the MAGA folks, took over, I knew I’d never vote for another Republican. They shoved me firmly and permanently to the left.

  16. Agloe_Dreams on

    I mean…did we forget how Trump pissed off all of AZ by attacking and insulting the service of their very well loved republican military hero senator/ Former presidential candidate?

    Like, he screwed his shot at the whole state right there by ticking off even 5%.

    All Joe has to do to win AZ is run ads with Trump’s “I like solders who don’t get captured” line.

  17. Arizona resident here.  I lean more conservative and I still vote Republican if they aren’t some bat shit crazy MAGA.  Stop putting these nut bags up for vote and I’ll start vote voting red again.  The likes of Kari Lake make me want to throw up but she told me she didn’t want my vote anyways.

  18. Fortune-of-the-Sun on

    Arizona is pretty dang blue in my opinion but I’m from Texas.

  19. Really hoping that can be Indiana but it’s looking rough. I’m ready to leave if Mike Braun wins

  20. EricsAuntStormy on

    Arizonans prefer only half-a-turd in their politics. The GOP has been bringing the whole log, and it’s a bowl-spanning doozy. 

  21. This is great to talk about but Trump is ahead of Biden by about 5% currently in Arizona. That’s not a huge lead but it’s far from supporting the claim that most people in Arizona are rejecting psych Republican politics.

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