Wie effektiv wären unbemannte vierbeinige Roboter im aktuellen Kriegszustand? Wir haben die Wirksamkeit unbemannter Drohnen sowohl an Land (auf Ketten/Rädern), in der Luft als auch auf See gesehen, aber gibt es heute viele praktische Anwendungsfälle für Roboter mit Beinen gegenüber Robotern mit Rädern/Ketten?



  1. ThreeKiloZero on

    They are slow, can trigger mines and tripwires, get stuck in mud and obstacles…for most things air drones are probably better and for everything else wheels and tracks. Until those things are significantly better I don’t see how they would help much rather they might be a liability. They are kinda loud.

  2. DARPA will continue funding dog-like robotics, but from a practical standpoint, they offer few advantages over remote controlled wheeled or tracked vehicles, at least in generally flat battlefields like the front in Ukraine.

    That “Thermonator” robot dog is priced at $US 9,420, and likely has a lower range, payload capacity, and communications resiliency than the remote controlled tracked / wheeled vehicles built from sheet metal, batteries, 2 motors, and a small control/power board Ukrainians are producing for under $500. When most drones only undertake one kamikaze mission, costs are really important. And I’d fear 20 wheeled/tracked drones each with a 8.6 kg antitank mine a lot more than a single noisy dog drone that can carry 3 kg petrol.

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