Beschneidungsraten von Neugeborenen nach Bundesstaat – 2022

Von gogandmagogandgog


  1. happyfuckincakeday on

    Is the scale a percentage of babies born that were circumcised? Seems like it, just clarifying

  2. PierceJJones on

    What’s the deal with people hating circumcision? I don’t mind mines.

  3. zanarkandabesfanclub on

    Utah is surprising given the Mormon population that I assume gets it done.

  4. castlebanks on

    I hope this horrible “tradition” dies soon. It’s barbaric, to say the least

  5. ButterscotchTape55 on

    I’m glad to know that three out of the four men who reside in North Dakota have been circumcised

  6. I hope I don’t get downvoted but like serious question why are we so anti circumcision? I’m circumcised and I don’t mind it. What’s the backlash? And my wiener is easier to clean.

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