[OC] Wie schneidet X-Men ’97 im Vergleich zu früheren X-Men-Shows und -Filmen ab?

Von 4rtistic-data


  1. 4rtistic-data on

    Source: Rotten Tomatoes

    Tool: Excel

    Have you watched the new X-Men ’97? I’ve been enjoying it, and it looks like I’m not alone based on this data. I really hope the show continues to do well and inspires other animated remakes. What are your thoughts?

  2. It really is good, but I’ve got to wonder how much of this reflects the power of nostalgia.

  3. Wasn’t for me. I thought it was awful, like for instance the whole Xavier treating the Shi’ar like children. The episode of Jubilee with Mojo was crap. Didn’t think much of the clone story either.. It’s only recently picked up and become watchable since the Centinal arc.

    I watch it now out of curiosity rather than excitement.

  4. cheddoline on

    I tried watching X-Men ’97 and couldn’t get used to how they’re always seriously insulting each other. It’s not good natured ribbing, they act like they hate each other’s guts.

    (Also, looking at the graph I’m puzzled at how low The Wolverine is. It’s one of the most repeatablly watchable films IMO. (Note, **not** “Origins”). Edit: yeah okay the Silver Samurai climactic conflict was weirdly off, but the rest worked pretty well.

  5. OogieBoogieJr on

    Caught the end of episode 5 and was like “oh wow…there’s substance here. I need to check it out.”

    Turns out that was the best it’s been. It’s fine but the writing and voice acting are seriously suspect. If you’re not into the X-Men at all, this won’t have any allure.

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