Schock vom obersten konservativen Richter: Trump wird wahrscheinlich komplett abdriften – J. Michael Luttig sieht zwei mögliche Ergebnisse aus den Argumenten des Obersten Gerichtshofs am Donnerstag. Beides ist düster für unsere Demokratie.


  1. Secure-Television368 on

    Bidens new campaign slogan: “If elected, I will have donald trump and the conservative justices executed by firing squad”

    Seriously. Fuck the republican party. Straight up evil to the core.

  2. Fancy-Reply5732 on

    44 presidents before him and not one claimed the need for immunity. Just this jackass.

  3. i-have-a-kuato on

    Whose to say we have to abide by the interpretations of six people?

  4. this_my_sportsreddit on

    Consistently amazed at the amount of people on this sub who thought the Supreme Court wasn’t absolutely completely beholden to trump.

  5. straygoat193 on

    “Take all that together, Luttig said, and it’s not hard to see how five right-wing justices could let Trump off. Some could declare that Trump’s actions related to Jan. 6 (the pressure on his vice president to subvert the electoral count and on the Justice Department to create a fake pretext for that) constitute official acts immune from prosecution. Others might hold that the statutes Trump allegedly violated don’t offer a clear statement that they apply to presidents, Luttig said.”

  6. They will stall the case for the big baby and voters will reject trump for the third time by even a wider margin and Biden will pack the courts in his second term. Not gonna lose a whole lot of sleep over this TBH. Karma has a way of playing out if somewhat late in this case.

  7. Saul-Funyun on

    This is only a shocker to someone who hasn’t paid attention to anything for at least a decade

  8. Klutzy_Alfalfa_2300 on

    Many of his crimes are not while he was in office though.

  9. Randy_Watson on

    We wouldn’t be dealing with this shit if democrats just voted for Clinton in the first place. Sure, it sucks when your preferred candidate is not on the ballot but these are the stakes now.

  10. PewSeaLiquor on

    We thepeople know it was treason.

    We the people can read the constitution, which clearly defines the penalty.

    If the courts won’t act, won’t provide the justice we require…

    We the people will do it ourselves

  11. IDrewTheDuckBlue on

    The only way out is to get a super majority in the house, senate and presidency and impeach these insane judges.

  12. Declare them enemy combatants and black bag them to Gitmo following established precedent and that would also be an official act.

  13. Born_Zebra5677 on

    It’s past the time to save our democracy by ridding ourselves of incompetent justices.

  14. GoonnerWookie on

    So does this mean Biden can commit a crime by jailing half the Supreme Court and trump at the same time? Then rush through new judges to take the spots?

  15. Either_Ad4109 on

    this just in.

    a conservative dipshit says something really fucking stupid that has no basis in reality whatsoever 🙄

    moving on.

  16. topherus_maximus on

    If presidents get immunity…Biden admin knows what to do next 😉

  17. ApexCollapser on

    People who vote for Trump don’t seem to realize how much danger everyone will be in should democracy fail. They think it’ll just be one-sided.

  18. one_bean_hahahaha on

    If a president has total immunity, then Biden should just throw Trump in prison, fuck the trials. The fascists benefit when the rest of us insist on taking only the high road.

  19. InevitableAvalanche on

    Supreme Court is a threat to democracy. Do they really want to let Biden have free options to do something about it?

  20. teddytwelvetoes on

    of course he’s going to skate, he’s a current/former president. he tried to overthrow the government and racked up a zillion felonies, and years later he’s a free man being allowed to run for said government again lmao we can’t even punish the lowest level GOP sociopaths, like Matt Gaetz who got caught doing sex crimes on Venmo or the seemingly infinite number of sociopathic grifters we’ve let cook over the last decade or so

  21. MotherHolle on

    This isn’t shocking. This is the criminal punishment system of the US working as intended.

  22. Deprivedproletarian on

    Legally ending democracy just by lacking a moral compass and some balls. Good job SC, history will judge.

  23. If I had a nickel for every well-educated and experienced lawyer with a different opinion on how corrupt the Supreme Court is going to be, I’d be richer than Donald Trump. Which I guess doesn’t say much lately. But seriously I’ve seen so many contradictory headlines about the honesty of the Supreme Court here. Just earlier this month they were saying that Trump was prepared to take the L here.

  24. ericwphoto on

    Let’s make the 2024 vote such an overwhelming rebuke of this asshole that there is zero doubt what the majority of Americans wants. Fuck Donald Trump, and fuck maga.

  25. If they give the President full immunity, it would be great.

    Biden could, with impunity, imprison the 4 conservative justices for life, along with their Orange Fascist leader, and replace the justices with commie liberal justices.

    Problem solved.

  26. I understand Hitler’s rise to power so much better now. This is insane.

  27. OutragedLiberal on

    I do not understand why they just don’t abandon Trump. Republicans will lose 2024 but can come back fresh in 2028. Why ruin everything for this miserable waste of a person?

  28. Snidebones on

    It would be so nice to see Biden use the immunity granted for Trump

  29. Zealot_of_Law on

    Why the doom and gloom? It sounded like a majority of the justices were against absolute immunity.

  30. chrisr3240 on

    Amazing how the USA has managed to fuck itself up so royally in only 8 years. And the only complaints you hear are grumbles in Reddit. Not a single mass (peaceful) protest in the streets. Bonkers.

  31. SoggyBoysenberry7703 on

    Is there literally no way to appeal Supreme Court decisions?

  32. danielsingleton77 on

    We could be in political camps if Biden doesn’t win in a blow out. Vote as if your life depends on it because after listening to how cool the SC took political motivated MURDER….. IT DOES! Vote Biden!

  33. Highthere_90 on

    I generally don’t understand how experts, judges, law enforcement on both side say democracy is at risk and then ask what are we going to do about it? And then just let Trump continue to do whatever he wants with no consequences

  34. Arkhampatient on

    What are we going to do, hold him responsible? What kind of message does that send to the other wealthy and political class?

  35. Zoshchenko on

    So, according to Trump and his lawyers, President Biden can order Trump’s execution and not have to worry about any repercussions, right?

  36. TL;DR … Vote for Joe Biden even if he is a rotting zombie corpse at that point… Trump CANNOT be in the White House again, he will be there until he dies as god-emperor.

  37. Disney2440 on

    I could be way off, but I don’t think what the Cons justices said (and I listened to all of the arguments) indicates that they’re going to rule Cheeto has immunity. Each of the Liberal justices tried to bring the arguments back to the case at hand. Can Cheeto claim he’s immune from the J6 and Mara-shithole cases. Heck, Brown Jackson even said “can we talk about this case” or something to that affect. But once Gorsuch started talking about defining official vs unofficial acts I knew the fix was in.

    Hear me out here. I think the goal from the beginning has been to delay everything so the trials don’t happen until after the election. How do you do that without being obviously in the pocket of Cheeto? Make the case about the larger issue of “what is official vs what isn’t?”

    So the SC remands the case back to the Circuit to attempt to answer those questions. Given they can delay that ruling until the end of the term in late June, the Circuit Court can do that as fast as they want, but there’s no way it goes back to the SC on appeal until Oct at best. Problem solved.

    SC can then wait until the election is over (even if they hear arguments). Cheeto loses, they rule and say “no immunity”, the cases go forward and Roberts tells everyone, “see, my court isn’t a joke”. He wins, he makes the cases go away and the SC can schedule a hearing to “define official vs unofficial acts” and as a bonus, Alito and Thomas can retire and the Heritage Foundation gets to pick two new Nazi justices.

    It’s almost an Occam’s Razor situation to me. The SC justices can’t be that dense that they think it’s ok for a president to assassinate a rival, but how do we stack the deck without being obvious?

  38. Difficult_Collar4336 on

    Biden needs to make it clear he will abuse the fuck out of immunity if it’s granted to him. He also needs to pardon himself for something just to get that issue resolved.

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