Eine neue Studie ergab, dass Menschen, die Accounts für gesunde Ernährung in den sozialen Medien nur zwei Wochen lang verfolgten, mehr Obst und Gemüse und weniger Junk Food aßen. Insgesamt aßen sie pro Tag 1,4 Portionen Obst und Gemüse mehr und 0,8 kalorienreiche Snacks und zuckerhaltige Getränke weniger.



  1. It seems to sharing of good eating information has worked, while ppl are side eyeing the medical profession when you can see they don’t tell them the right things they should eat to get better. They also must go along with whatever health company that owns them by stringing ppl on the bad health train with more drugs till they can soak up as much money they can get out of you till u die.

    Good doctors exist and will help you but they’re becoming rare which is sad.

  2. AllanfromWales1 on

    I wonder if the result was in any way affected by the fact that the intervention group knew there were a bunch of scientists recording what they ate? I mean the control group did too, but they were focused on interior design..

  3. This definetley seems in line with my personal experience although I do wonder if they account forbiasto people seeking to be bealthier following these accounts because theyre trying to be healthier.

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