Der US-Geheimdienst geht davon aus, dass Putin die Ermordung Nawalnys wahrscheinlich nicht angeordnet hat – WSJ


  1. FiveFingerDisco on

    How good is the US intelligence in Russia after 4 years of Trump?

  2. Problem is, for many years now, Putin does not have to order anything… for “inconvenient” people to end up dead. His henchman know they master very well.

  3. Traditional_Bad_4589 on

    Is there really a meaningful difference between ordering the direct murder and having him imprisoned in a remote Siberian prison camp with questionable (at best) disciplinary and medical practices and him dying of “natural causes?” Putin is still the reason he is dead. And everything they say on the matter is suspect. He lost the benefit of the doubt long, long ago.

  4. SupremeMisterMeme on

    Doesn’t matter, Navanly ended up in a penal colony because of putins orders, so he’s directly responsible for his death.

  5. bitch_fitching on

    He was poisoned by the FSB and placed in a penal colony. Putin didn’t order his death that specific day.

  6. Spirited_Childhood34 on

    He was probably in bad shape before the transfer and they knew Siberia would finish him off. Condolences to his friends, family and supporters.

  7. Funny_Friendship_929 on

    This is like saying “Al Capone didn’t **directly** order those mob hits”

  8. shiplauncherscousin on

    “Who can rid me of this troublesome……..”

    Said Putain one day

  9. So let me get this straight…

    To publish this article, Reuters quoted the Wall Street Journal , who quoted an unnamed source “familiar with the matter”, who said that others in his/her circle think that Putin “probably didn’t order it”… and that there was no way to determine the veracity of the original story.

    What the fuck is this? Newsception?

  10. Many_Sorbet_5536 on

    Is WSJ still considered a reputable source? It feels like Kremlin got an approach to them somehow that let Kremlin spread their narratives through them. And it’s an anonymous source again.

  11. WeirdcoolWilson on

    He didn’t have to “order” it. Navalny was in the worst prison conditions in existence. Like throwing raw meat into a bear cage – “I didn’t order the bear to eat”

  12. Lord_Sports on

    YEAH RIGHT..Russia propaganda being spread to a agent in WSJ to spread lies.Believe nothing that comes from Russia..Russia is 110% aligned with China North Korea IRAN and they want to destroy the world…It’s on russian state TV all day. Don’t believe it for a second….Navalny was Putins biggest opposition.

  13. CommunicationFun7973 on

    Probalyl not, he wanted to punish him and demonstrate the power of Putin, but It’s suspected that long term poor living conditions and torture reduces ones life span dramatically.

  14. I don’t think anyone would argue that Putin didn’t at least indirectly cause his death. But this misses the point, keeping Navalny in prison and alive seems a better choice than to kill him.

    Putin needs to give the illusion that he is not a dictator to the Russian people. Russian politics in the last 20 years has been centered around being able to shift blame for the country’s problems away from Putin and onto subordinates and opposing political figures.

  15. Pusfilledonut on

    The WSJ is no longer a paper of record I put much stock in. It’s semantics to suggest that the prior poisoning episodes and ritual starvation in a gulag wasn’t murder. It also ignore the nesting doll contradictions of life in Russia…a lie wrapped in a lie placed in an enigma surrounded with a mystery. Believe nothing, expect worse than you might imagine.

  16. nothingcouldbefiner on

    The Wall Street Journal is owned by Murdoch of Fox News fame. It is not a credible source.

  17. He_Who_Browses_RDT on

    Sure… That’s why Navalny was in Siberian prison, having a very healthy and prosperous life, fed with the best food and drink available to russian’s elite… /S

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