Unglaublicher Athlet, von dem wir nicht genug hören


Von monty_abu


  1. SteveK27982 on

    Are we sure we aren’t claiming him from Wales with a name like Rhys?

  2. Congratulations.

    Even 5 years ago who’d have thought that Ireland would have gymnasts at this level.

    It’s so lovely to hear the Irish national anthem.

    Rhys is a trailblazer.

  3. powerhungrymouse on

    Love seeing so many Irish athletes doing so well. I feel like there was huge space of time when this simply wasn’t a thing. When I was a teenager in the 00s there were no Irish athletes to get excited about. There’s been a complete 180 since then and it’s fantastic especially since the range of sports they participate in is so varied.

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