Russland legt sein Veto gegen die UN-Abstimmung über die Beendigung des Wettrüstens im Weltraum ein. Wegweisend für die Entwicklung einer weltraumgestützten Antisatelliten-Atomwaffe.


  1. soulsteela on

    That’s cool the new Dragonfire laser system can be deployed in orbit as well, negating satellite launched nukes.

  2. evermorex76 on

    No government that is in the midst of prosecuting a war of aggression and conquest, let alone one filled with atrocities and war crimes, should be allowed to vote/veto at all regarding anything military-related at minimum. They shouldn’t be allowed to act as a member of the security council, let alone a permanent member, when they’re actively damaging the security of the world. They shouldn’t even be allowed to act as members of the UN after attacking another member. How the founders of the UN didn’t include provisions for removing permanent members for egregious violations of all that the UN stands for, and there has been nothing changed since, I don’t understand. And they were just handed the status, unofficially inheriting it instead of being voted in and not even legally having the status. The UN is toothless, spineless, and needs reform.

  3. AverageDoonst on

    Not going into politics, but

    1. Is it even possible? Satellites have huge speeds and hitting one seems like impossible task.

    2. Is it sustainable? Each detonation will produce vast amount of debris dangerous for anyone in space.

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