Zahlen zeigen, dass die Asylanträge internationaler Studierender seit 2018 sprunghaft angestiegen sind


  1. PmMeYourBeavertails on

    Paywall Bypass:

  2. Leading-Gate2189 on

    Canada is one of the few countries in the world where there should be very little to none illegal immigration and abuse of the system: we have a single land border with the US and no one is coming here on a barge. People here are here because we let them in.

    This means this crisis is entirely created by this government’s ineptitude. They saw the asylum claims skyrocketing 4000% and they pretended there was “nothing to see here” until the public backslash over international students.

  3. CoolDude_7532 on

    Canada defends Khalistanis and then they get surprised when Khalistanis go to Canada and claim they are being ‘oppressed’ by the Indian government. Poetic justice haha

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