[OC] Kluft zwischen dem Durchschnittslohn in jedem Bundesstaat und dem durchschnittlichen Hauspreis

Von bluepainters


  1. Phantasmio on

    PA prices are pretty bad. The problem is people are just buying homes in full cash, no mortgage no nothing. So even with the prices where they’re at, if you don’t have a massive down payment ready you’re probably going to lose the place to somebody that’s just going to turn it into another rental. Cool data to see still

  2. FightOnForUsc on

    Doing the “gap” in absolute numbers doesn’t make sense. A gap of 500k on a 100k salary is similar to a 250k gap on a 50k salary. You should account for this

  3. DanoPinyon on

    I like this a lot. Again, America is not unique with the housing crisis. Many other places are similar. Places like MN can build their way our of it for a while, but places like California cannot – the ecosystems cannot support 5M more people.

  4. GeorgeTheWild on

    This chart takes some staring and squinting to read.

    1) this data may be better as a bar chart where you stack what house a wage can afford with the gap between the actual and theoretical
    2) if you keep the scatter plot, at least swap the bubble sizes for a line of what home price a wage can theoretically afford
    3) average skews this kind of data that doesn’t have a normal distribution. Median would be a better statistic if you must lump the data.

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