Als sich Ihr Freund in russischen Märchen verirrte, Sie ihn aber schnell in die Realität zurückholten


  1. Key_Wrangler_8321 on

    Who is this uneducated blonde and what is she doing in such a high position?? We can see that propaganda doesn’t make people stupid. She is for the stupid people.

  2. GuillotineComeBacks on

    A horrible and dumb person, a mystery how she could get in any position with responsibility.

  3. MaterialFloater on

    I don’t think she’s able to process any of that information.

  4. Red Marge as inept as ever.

    No doubt in a later interview will claim she’s correct because she’s done her own research.

  5. Thank you Dr Snyder! It’s OK, everyone knows that MTG is an idiot

  6. SSDD_randint on

    You should be really stupid (I mean REALLY) to lecture someone on subject which he studied almost half of his life lol.

  7. His video series on YouTube is excellent and worth a watch for why Ukraine is nothing to do with Russia. I wonder what the current % of nazis is in the current US congress

  8. Returnerfromoblivion on

    What does Mrs Horseface have to complain about again ? Bruh I can’t take this creaky high pitched ultra annoying voice anymore. Everything she says is utter crap. Only in America. In any EU country she’d been kicked out and sued for defamation, lying and insulting.

  9. inverted_risk on

    Marjorie Taylor Greene is dumb, uneducated and arrogant. Fatal combination.

  10. ApatheticWonderer on

    South tends to get the worst of people elected. I live here and I’ll keep voting blue, but the amount of people that look at MTG and think “yes, this is fine” is terrifying

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