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So 3% of world economy?
Palestine as represented by the Palestinian Authority is the most recognised state without being a UN member state. They are recognised by 140 UN member states, not far behind DPRK’s 157 and Israel’s 165. They should be admitted into the UN.
Wait, Bhutan recognises Palestine????
What a strange bunch of outliers.
Japan and South Korea I can understand. Myanmar in Asia? Cameroon and Djibouti in Africa?
I’m surprised Ireland does not recognize Palestine. They usually sympathise with such movements. Fun fact. During WW2, a faction of Indians were fighting with the Japanese to liberate India from the British. When Singapore was captured, they set up a provisional government of Free India there and raised the Indian flag. The Prime Minister of Ireland was the only non-Axis leader to acknowledge this government.
Iceland and Sweden stick out
Well the modern state of Israel is a construct of the West so I can see why they wouldn’t recognise Palestine.
Or as some call it, the countries with no plumbing.
Hilarious how Ireland is Palestine’s biggest European cheerleader but they won’t even officially recognise them
Why do they all have GDP per capita below $16K.
It will be looked and deleted in a while
Ben norton Geopolitical economy report. 👍
The whole world vs. the Axis of Evil
Interestingly, it almost coincides with the map of all countries with autocratic regimes
The grey includes abstained
What’s Cameroon’s excuse?
They dont even recognize each other, west bank / gaza.
Why support a terrorist state?
Just America and it’s pet dogs don’t recognize it
Argentina wants closer ties with Israel and the United States so don’t be surprised if they fall off the green list.
This narrative us kinda dumb.
Isreal time and again has offered peace deals that include full Palestinian statehood.
So how do say that the nation with the power to give Palestine a state and who is offering that isn’t recognizing its statehood?
For that matter how then do Isreal’s allies who agree with such peace agreements that include statehood not get colored green?
I don’t think any nation really denies the Palestine state. Isreal and it’s allies merely want peace and Co existence in exchange for allowing it to exist.
The Palestinians have lost over 7 wars and never once signed a peace treaty. Their leaders refused and still refuse.
I don’t think the GDR exist anymore.
Ah yes, because those countries all have such wonderful track records of progressive human rights and being morally just… Showing that only shit countries recognize Palestine as a state does not do Palestine any favors…
Spain and Slovenia recognise Palestine since yesterday I believe
Why the shitty low res? this is literally the map ripped from Wikipedia and then compressed massively. you should have posted the original without the title.
Palestinian empire formed?
How low resolution and cropped do you want your picture? YES.
Thats weird. If countries are recognizing places that don’t, and never have existed, then I nominate Kekistan to be next. Praise Kek.
Green countries about to have some freedom dropped on them.
So is the reason Canada is abstaining just because we’re nervous about having the Americans as our neighbours, or…
Fantastic map. It really shows how “global community” is actually in minority to actual global community. They only have power, but that wont last forever.
It’s funny how the whole world except the “civilized world” recognize the Palestinian right to a homeland.
Surprised that Poland and the other Eastern European countries voted to recognize Palestine. Likewise, the same with India.
I think green is a bit too much, lighter gray would’ve worked better.
Why does the west HATE Palestine so much ?
those damn Antarcticans /s
Genuine question: for countries that don’t recognise Palestine as a state, how do they reckon with the fact that there are people born inside the borders of Israel who aren’t considered to be Israeli citizens and aren’t given freedom of movement within their state?