Die Nachrichten strömen seit 2-3 Stunden sehr langsam herein, aber sie machen nirgendwo Schlagzeilen. „Drei iranische Beamte bestätigten, dass ein Angriff am frühen Freitag einen Militärflugplatz in der Nähe der Stadt Isfahan in Zentraliran getroffen hatte, sagten jedoch nicht, welches Land den Angriff durchgeführt hatte. Fars News, eine iranische Nachrichtenagentur, die mit Islamic verbunden ist Die Revolutionsgarden sagten, in der Nähe des Zivilflughafens von Isfahan seien Explosionen zu hören gewesen, und fügten hinzu, dass die Ursache der Explosionen nicht sofort klar sei. – aus [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/18/world/israel-iran-gaza-war-news/blasts-are-reported-near-the-iranian-city-of-isfahan?smid =url-share) Ich kann nicht anders, als das Gefühl zu haben, dass der Iran Angst vor einer Eskalation hat und versucht, die nationale/internationale Aufmerksamkeit von der Tatsache abzulenken, dass er gerade von Israel angegriffen wurde.



  1. I don’t think so.

    1. The Israelis haven’t confirmed that they were the one behind the attack.

    2. so far we don’t have any footage of a hit inside of Iran or even footage of a missile in the sky. Looks like the attack was only made with small quadcopter. When Iran launched missiles against Israel last week, we saw videos of impacts. Today, nothing.

    3. If it was made by small quadcopters, did Israel launch them or was it launch from inside Iran (the MEK) or Kurdish groups in Iraq, …

  2. No-Mousse989 on

    Iran just got dragged into this big time. It seems to me that Iran is trying to indeed de-escalate and is trying to divert public attention. However, if Israel kept hitting Iran, the Iranians would eventually have to respond. Thus, the entire region will be dragged into a war that everybody knows is coming. It will be Isreal vs Iran & its proxies.

  3. neorealist234 on

    The US is saying it’s Israel before everyone else for a reason. We didn’t support this action.

  4. Pristine_Pick823 on

    Headlines mostly report ‘US official confirms’ when the actual ABC report states that a US official confirmed that Israel had advised the US on Thursday that there would be a response. The narrative is still under construction.

  5. Poor Iran, only wanted to attack Israel via proxies without getting directly attacked but evil Israel won’t let it.

  6. Unlike the Iranian barrage from the weekend which was a significant escalation, the Israeli response appears to have been fairly measured and limited in scope. I think it’s too early to predict the Iranian response, actual damage is likely limited but it was in Iran proper and near significant military facilities. Even though some appear to be attempting to do so, I don’t think Iran will be able to completely pretend an incident didn’t happen.

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