FBI-Agenten ernennen „KI-Doomer“ zum Leiter des US-amerikanischen KI-Sicherheitsinstituts



  1. SquareD8854 on

    you have to start with someone that takes safety serious first then the republicans will make a corrupt morron in charge!

  2. The precise value of his estimate for the probability of AI doom is perhaps less interesting than the methodology that he used to calculate it:

    > A final source of confusion is that I give different numbers on different days. Sometimes that’s because I’ve considered new evidence, but normally it’s just because these numbers are just an imprecise quantification of my belief that changes from day to day. One day I might say 50%, the next I might say 66%, the next I might say 33%.


  3. Sounds about like the federal government and it’s penchant for incompetence. They love nothing more than foot-gunning our own progress and economy in the name of red-tape and bureaucracy.

  4. Hi_Im_Dadbot on

    They should give it to Arnold Schwarzenegger. He’s clearly an expert in the dangers of AI and has worked on a few documentaries about the subject.

    Also, he used to be in politics and I’m fairly sure he’s said something about perhaps returning sometime.

  5. TheLemonKnight on

    Good. AI is rapidly being used as an unaccountability device. ‘Oops, sorry about that, an AI did it.’

  6. CaptPistolPants on

    Hey, limit AI. Much like our security principle of least privilege. As we learn more, we enable more.

  7. thedeadsigh on

    At least they’re considering someone with a scientific background. Now do it with someone who doesn’t have an obvious bias / agenda.

  8. H Christo, this reminds me of the usual industry BS regarding any regulation and regulatory agency creation/involvement.

    Yes, despite years of the opposite, government regulators SHOULD be critical of the industry they are regulating. That’s their damn job.

    Sheesh, does anyone every ponder the billions collectively spent on jawboning the AWESOMENESS from industry marketers/PR flacks/ and boy wonder C suite folks like Altman? In this industry and many others?

    Damn country is going to hell in a handbasket more and more! lol

  9. LUNA_underUrsaMajor on

    Let nature takes it course trying to limit this stuff isnt possible. 

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