[OC] Die USA haben unter anderen fortgeschrittenen Volkswirtschaften mit Abstand die höchste Müttersterblichkeitsrate

Von IndependentOdd1942


  1. Illustrious-Tutor569 on

    Lol, even compared to small economies.

    Chile has a 15/100k maternal mortality rate and Cuba a 39/100k.

  2. FightOnForUsc on

    Seems misleading if not adjusted for age, obesity, existing health issues, etc

  3. This chart screams bias (whether or not the claim is true). Why only these countries? It’s possible by this graph that the US has the 10th highest maternal mortality rate in the world

  4. sunplaysbass on

    That’s actually less drastic than I expected / feel like I’ve seen before. The contrast of US to the others.

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