Die Hoffnungen auf eine Zinssenkung wachsen, da die Inflation auf 3,2 % sinkt


Von sjw_7


  1. The_Unstoppable_Egg on

    INB4: reMiNdEr thAt This mEaNS pRIcES arE STilL gOinG Up

    Yes, everybody already knows that. Nobody thinks that you are clever for also knowing that.

  2. popcornelephant on

    Real wages growing, inflation falling and probably a rate cut or two to come this year. Definitely feels like we left the worst of it a few months ago now.

    Outside chance that a new government inherits a slightly less grim economic situation than they expected and can find some extra cash too.

  3. newnortherner21 on

    If we had laws to stop some of the hidden charges and rip-offs that have crept in since 2021, the inflation rate could be even lower.

  4. kahnindustries on

    Of course they will lower the rates. I just locked in for 2 years

    You’re welcome

  5. Reasonable-Fault-222 on

    My wages have risen almost 15k in the last 12 years but I am definitely worse off financially, or so it feels. Some of this is likely because of poor financial decisions on my part but times are now tougher than ever and we have to dip into savings end of each month. Prices are rising and we’re now having to consider making significant cuts like pet insurance. MOT end of this month, I still have an outstanding bill from the garage. I already work full time but looks like I’ll be looking for a weekend job.

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