Das Verbot von Zigaretten für junge Menschen werde dafür sorgen, dass sie genauso wenig zu kaufen seien wie Cannabis, betont die Regierung
Von topotaul
Das Verbot von Zigaretten für junge Menschen werde dafür sorgen, dass sie genauso wenig zu kaufen seien wie Cannabis, betont die Regierung
Von topotaul
Cigarettes should be harder to get than cannabis. It is way worse for you and destroys your life
Joking aside, they miss the fact that young people generally wouldn’t want to seek out cigarettes if they were illegal for them to buy.
Smoking levels among young people have plummeted in recent decades.
The satire has missed the mark on this one I think.
Cigarettes are actually bad for your health. This is an established fact.
Ha! I could get weed faster than I could get cigarettes.
At 16 it was easier to get weed than cigs because I didn’t have ID (only had to be 16 to buy cigs)