Oleksandr Revtiukh, ein Veteran der Streitkräfte der Ukraine, verlor an der Front seinen linken Arm und einen Teil seines linken Beins. „Wenn das der Preis für die Zukunft ist, dann… kein Problem.“


1 Comment

  1. Emotional-Job-7067 on

    I’ve said this before…

    Ukrainians will be able to deal with loss of limbs and PTSD alot better than russians will…

    Ukraine has a Just fight, yes seeing their friends, and people blown up? And killed is going to have an affect on anyone… but Ukrainians will be able to say “It was for freedom and to save lives” that in its self will help with Rehabilitation once the war is over…

    Now Russia? They won’t have answers for why they lost their legs arms or seen yuri have his face torn off… they will have unanswered questions of why why why did this happen what did we gain ? What was it for?

    And their answer will be from an unsympathetic Dictatorship and they will end up just killing the disabled russian soldiers off… ever wonder why after Chechnya or Afghanistan?


    Because russian authorities are fucking monsters!!@


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