Das schmutzige Geheimnis der Immobilienkrise? Hausbesitzer mögen hohe Preise



  1. Of course. I work in this industry. 65% of Canadians are homeowners and they ALL love the housing crisis.

    No government (Liberal, Conservative or otherwise) will ever seriously address the housing crisis. They can’t as it’s political suicide and, as such, the housing crisis is PERMANENT.

  2. realcanadianguy21 on

    I should have been a landlord instead of trying to be a productive member of society.

  3. unsoundguy on

    No. No I do not. Cut my home value by 50%. Please. Because if you do me you will do everyone else’s and the I could afford a bigger place do my girls can each have there own bedroom.

  4. I’m a home owner and I hate it. The high prices severely limit mobility in the market because prices are so detached from incomes.

  5. 2b_0r_n0t_2b on

    I’m thinking the end goal will be to keep SFH and some townhome prices elevated but make condos/apartments/some townhomes more affordable.

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