Möchte jemand ein Wohnmobil? Es ist ein Käufermarkt für Wohnmobile, da die Verkäufe in der Pandemie-Ära stagnieren



  1. I_poop_rootbeer on

    With the housing crisis going on, I’m surprised campers aren’t more popular 

  2. >2021 versus 2020, it was basically turbocharged demand

    This really isn’t surprising. I’ve known a bunch of people that have bought RVs over the years, and 2-3 year into is usually when they realize it was a terrible idea and try to sell it.

    I’ve known people that will buy one for around $60k (plus storage fees), use it about 4 times, then end up selling it for less than half of what they paid.

    It’s painful when you think about how many Mexico vacations that would have paid for…

  3. Neo-urban_Tribalist on

    That’s a flag that a recession on the way.

    And yes, things can always get worse. The thing about rock bottom, is there is no bottom.

  4. Dadbode1981 on

    Only way I’d buy one is if I was gonna park it on a lot in a park by the beach.

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