Laut einer Studie ist die Hälfte der französischen Jugendlichen bereit, in der Ukraine für die Verteidigung der Interessen Frankreichs zu kämpfen


  1. Independent_Lie_9982 on

    >Among the questions was: “If France’s defence required its participation in the war in Ukraine, would you be willing to join to defend your country?” 51% of respondents, including both boys and girls, answered affirmatively, with 17% giving a very confident response and 34% answering “probably yes”.

    >In a question not mentioning Ukraine, 57% of respondents expressed readiness to take up arms to defend France in the event of war.

    >About a third of respondents, 31%, are supportive of potential French military involvement in the war on Ukraine’s side, whereas this figure is 17% among the 50+ age group.

    >62% of respondents believe it would be appropriate to reinstate compulsory military service, which France abolished in 1997.

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