Können wir nicht einen landesweiten Schweigebefehl gegen Trumps Gewaltdrohungen bekommen?



  1. robot_pirate on

    I get nauseous when he pops up on TV or in my feed. It’s just enough already with his vileness, lies and chicken ass lips. He’s morphed into a grotesque, orange troll that spews constant threats and hate. He needs to go live under a bridge somewhere.

  2. He’s a bully…

    by his age he should have grown out of that, about 70 years ago

  3. They couldn’t stop Hitler; they won’t stop HIM. It will continue until he is back in the White House due to the 33% that will support him no matter what, and the 10% that would die for him!!!

    This will cause the other 40%-50% to go along with the ‘White House down’ scenario, people with no backbones…

  4. gentleman_bronco on

    I’m a leftist. Wanting a nationwide blanket order is suppression of freedom of speech. Instead, he needs to be held accountable for the specific violations of the specific gag orders he already has in place. That is how you uphold freedom of speech while enforcing specific gag orders.

  5. ThreeLivesInOne on

    You can collectively shut him up in November (and most of us people in other countries very much hope that you will).

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