CSIS-Direktor sagt aus, dass die Trudeau-Regierung wiederholt vor ausländischer Einmischung Chinas gewarnt wurde



  1. Jaded_Morse on

    But the PM kept on downplaying it, he did not care, while it just helped him. Talk about not puting your country first, the PM put his own interests first.

  2. ghost_n_the_shell on

    Reason he was recalled to testify:

    *“Vigneault was recalled in an exceptional move for the inquiry so he could explain what, if any, information he had specifically shared with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the prime minister’s senior staff from three top-secret briefing documents.”*

    His answer:

    *“He also confirmed that had not verbally discussed the contents of three important briefing documents directly with the prime minister and his senior staff, although he had shared similar information with them on previous occassions.”*

    National Post headline:

    *“CSIS director testifies Trudeau government was warned repeatedly about Chinese foreign interference”.*

  3. TheRobfather420 on

    Got a non bias source or just more Trudeau derangement syndome from FOX North?

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