Mein Freund hat sein Auto für ein paar Monate in unserer Garage gelassen. Heute ist mir das zufällig aufgefallen. Was sollen wir machen?

Von vovgre


  1. raviolli_ninja on

    Clean it or hire someone to do it (use a mask), have a dehumifier running inside it, send him the bill. Warning him beforehand would be nice.

  2. First, let him know what happened and he can decide what to do.

    The car should have been aired out every x amount of time. But it’s not your fault and he didn’t say to do it, because you might not know that this happens either.

    The car will obviously need to be cleaned, for now, open the windows

  3. Clean it yourself or go to a shop to clean it… Careful that mold is harmful. UVC lamps can kill it but you still need to clean it

  4. There is a guy, a couple of threads over this one, looking to buy a car for up to €600. Your friend should talk with him

  5. Senior_Purchase7124 on

    I had the same thing happen to my car. I filled a bucket with hot water and a bit of dish soap, then cleaned it thoroughly with a rag. Once finished, I drove the car out of the garage and left it in the sun with the windows down for a couple of days.

  6. I dobt know if this is something.common on the vw golfs, but (golf.from 96) hD.a similar issue. Not as bad, but mould would seldom appear. I actually thought that was something normal on a car, until i bought a new one.

    Of course, not nearly as bad as the one on the picture, but still, it was the only car i had that once in a while had mould.spots inside..

    Recommendation: burn it and leave it to die. Tell your friend that his car went to live on a farm and is happier now.

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