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>His partner, Sylvie Brosseau, says without having access to a special mattress, Meunier developed a major pressure sore on his buttocks that eventually worsened to the point where bone and muscle were exposed and visible — making his recovery and prognosis bleak.
>”Ninety-five hours on a stretcher, unacceptable,” Brosseau told Radio-Canada in an interview.
What is happening to this country? Failing medical system….just kill yourself instead don’t worry we can help with that.
I hate our country right now. Why the fuck are we not rioting
Fuck Canada
Fuck the Liberal party.
Out health care and other infrastructure are collapsing because of the high immigration policy. Not enough resources to go around.
But record profits for Galen Weston and land developers.
Medical is a provincial responsibility. Every province except BC is failing on medicine so that the system crashes and they can bring American style privatization.
This is the provinces’ plan. This is what is idiots voted for. We did this to ourselves. We deserve this.
I think I have been in denial about how bad it is despite not having a family dr for over three years. This situation breaks my heart
Geezus H Christ! What!? How is this happening in our country?!? My brother, RIP, was a para and regularly in and out of hospitals for various care his whole life. He had times when things were sketchy, but he always used his voice. He had to. It’s unacceptable that anyone in the condition of people with paralysis to go without the required care they need and equipment. They cannot feel it! Able-bodied people can feel it. They cannot. They rely on medical staff to know what they’re doing. Bed sores are common and it’s a lifetime struggle for the paralyzed. It requires daily due diligence to make sure they are flipped/turned if they can’t do it themselves, checked, and do what they can to let their backside breathe and seek physio when needed. Choosing MAID!? Oh my heart. 💔
Lame excuse to say there aren’t these mattresses in emergency room!? Then GET ONE ELSEWHERE IN THE BUILDING !!! The hospital should have to do what is necessary to give him comfort and recovery. Especially for something they caused.
Are there not monitors alarming staff that someone needs flipping, or turning?! Surely the emerg isn’t packed with paras.
Come on Canada. We have got to do better. Health care used to be our strength. Now it’s one of our greatest weaknesses – and yeah, how are Canadians not continuing to stand up and scream that change has to happen!? Myself included. When did I become so bloody complacent.
Question: is Canada actually able to fix their healthcare issues? Without going private or dual?? It’s going to take miracles and years to fix it.
Let’s face it, most of day to day issues come down to the provincial government’s that we keep electing. Everyone wants to blame Trudeau but the Premiers are in charge of healthcare and education. What are we going to do about it?
>”An emergency room is a riskier place for a fragile person. That’s why, if necessary, we’re going to work actively to give them access to a bed in an inpatient unit.”
Why not just make it automatic that they always get sent to the inpatient area if that’s where the special beds are? Are there that many paraplegics that it would swamp the system?
It’s official: Canada needs to stop flexing how “amazing” our healthcare system is. It’s not, and it needs major reform.